Q&A 46 - infections on an anti-CD20

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Q&A 46 - infections on an anti-CD20

My IgM and IgA immunoglobulin levels are slightly low, but my IgG levels are normal. I am concerned about these infections. Would you recommend I stop ocrelizumab?

Case study

Q1: Professor Giovannoni, I am 62 years of age, and I have ‘relapsing’ multiple sclerosis. I have been on ocrelizumab for five years and have not had a relapse since starting. My MRI scans are also stable. I am slowly getting worse in that my walking has deteriorated. I can manage about 800m before I have to stop for a rest. My biggest concern is that in the last 12 months, I have had three chest infections, one of which was a lobar pneumonia that required admission to the hospital for intravenous antibiotics. My IgM and IgA immunoglobulin levels are slightly low, but my IgG levels are normal. I am concerned about these infections. Would you recommend I stop ocrelizumab? If so, which DMT would you recommend? Thank you.

Right upper lobe or lobar pneumonia

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Prof G’s answer

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